Social Distancing & staying SOCIAL
Welcome to the 100th day of March...well, technically it's not but it sure does feel like it. If you're stir crazy like us and a social butterfly just dying to socialize with others, look no further! We will be highlighting a few of the things that Bud Light is planning to give those party goers something to do! First up,
1. Dive Bar Tour - Home Edition

We know that this time has been a challenging time for all BUT Bud Light would like to continue providing a little bit of fun on your Friday and Saturday nights! All while remaining safely socially distant, of course. ( HA HA honestly, no offense but stay 6ft away!)
New shows will be broadcasted on the performers Instagram Live and Facebook Live!! Check Bud Light’s social media weekly for updates on who the performers are and times.
2. Bud Light Home Sports League #InHouseChallenge
Are you bored in the house?? Do you have a twitter?? Do you like to have fun?? If you answered YES to those 3 questions then we highly suggest you check out the #InHouseChallenge on Twitter. How do you enter? First and foremost, make sure you have a twitter account (if not, sign up for one! It’s easy), next step: submit your video via “Tweet” and use the hashtag #InHouseChallenge. There will be 8 Bud Light sponsored NFL athletes that will tweet out to their followers. Each of those 8 sponsored athletes will lead a team and will be selecting one entrant to join The Playoffs. Keep checking Bud Light’s Twitter account for this upcoming challenge!
* D O N ' T F O R G E T T O S U P P O R T L O C A L*
Bud Light #OpenForTakeout
I could tell you that our current situation we’re all in has been hard on everyone, but you already know that! Mostly all non-essential businesses had to abruptly close which is financially hard for those businesses. If your business has been able to stay open you are one of the lucky few!
Good news, though?! Some restaurants and bars have been able to offer Takeout options (YAY!). Bud Light has started a program called “Open For Takeout”. They want to help local bars and restaurants let their customers know they are #OpenForTakeout. Go to the website and type in your zip code. It will then show you all the local establishments offering takeout options! It’s that easy and it truly does help to support local during these trying times.
The list of local options is constantly being updated, however, if you are a local establishment and want to guarantee that your establishment makes it onto the website there is one simple thing that you can do! Simply click “Join The List”, fill in the short list of questions and then click “Register”. THAT SIMPLE!!